1. You are a dude and you just won’t swallow that she aint that into you. So you resort to stalking her, facebook, twitter, phone, club… damnit man!!
Just move on dude because there are many mamas (chics) who may just fall (even drunken blunders count here) to your ‘lame’ (maybe they were even ‘walking’) pick-up lines. The nagging thing just soils your rep!
2. You are a chic and you just won’t stop soiling the poor dudes, who go out of their way to put you in the normal chic’s league by trying their re-used pick-ups on you, intentionally, then you tell them to your girls.
Worse still if you talk of all the dudes you have bedded and how short, or is it small? they were. You know, maybe the problem is you (who knows you are deeper that a well?) and those girlfriends giggling at your tales, hi-fiving and all that are actually trying to picture your 9th wonder!!
3. You area TV and you just won’t stop boring your dear viewers by airing those so called soap operas (did they actually get that name from brain washing powers?) hour after hour.
Ok, there is a part of the population who actually put up with that, for some time. But this has turned into an obsession and, mark you; it’s getting into the poor souls of our sisters! Cater for the brothers too, I ask in peace. No names here!
4. You are a radio station and the poor listeners can actually guess the next, not one or two but the whole playlist!! Won’t even write more on this. Shame on all the brand new crap! Shame on hip-hop stations that just won’t get right. Shame on the upgraded playlists that are actually still old. Shame on rock stations that play, what would you call that?, I call it crap!!
Sorry but the money games won’t get us listening. We want real changes please. At least that’s what I want.


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