Maybe it’s the walls, they know all about us and they keep reminding me they do.
Perhaps it’s the drink, I’ve had too much and the beer cells are provoking my brain cells.
I see your finger prints on everything I look at, my vision just turned ultra violet.
Can swear this glass am drinking from has your lipstick all over the rim.
However much I spray this room, your smell still lingers on everything.
These bed sheets still have smell of you; this mattress has your imprint.
I should throw away this pillow and burn the extra accessories, toothbrushes and hairpins.
I still find it hard to use your favorite bowl and cup; I keep off your cutlery.
I know these things are mine too but they remind me so much of you.
Maybe I should just wake up and move on.
Leave this room, just as it is, run away from all the memories of you.
But my brain moves with me and my broken heart still beats.
And these are victims of yours and I can’t leave them behind.


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