To ME,


I always work best under pressure

(mathematically,PRESSURE = (FORCE) / (AREA) , hence the title)

I dont plan this, of course I wouldn’t plan to get stressed trying to solve things I could have at my own pace and time.

But I do things better when on another kind of high (adrenaline) and on borrowed time.

It just happens that I always start doing something earlier on when time is plenty. But midway I just sit back and tell myself that I have a lot of time to spare, so why not chill out? So I chill, focus on other stuff all together and throw my worries away

But then time doesn’t wait for anyone and soon I have to do and complete what I started, whether I like it or not, only this time the clock is ticking.

It happens with literally everything. Revising for exams, doing a project, solving a problem, luring a girl… everything!

This reminds me of a buddy @davidogillo , he has the same problem (is it a problem Davie?).

I don’t take it as a problem; I think it’s an addiction. Like any other addiction, it can be good or bad depending on the cost to the addict.

Sometimes it’s the only remedy to something you can’t do with however much time availed… like a very difficult project or assignment. You just need the idea and give yourself the pleasure to think without actually doing.

Yet sometimes, the pressure effect means even the addict cannot handle the adrenaline surge ending up screwing everything up.

Now, here I am #twittinglonger, #facebooking, chatting, poking and blogging when am supposed to revise hard to make a doctor out of myself.

Gotta go, because my #TikTok conscious timer is up! But before, I have been thinking of a medical field that could satisfy my addiction and all I can come up with is ER (lots of blood and do or die situations I guess.) not gynecology where I could take my time err…

#TikTok TikTok TikTok I gotta go!



  1. Dave said...

    hahahaaa... nice one Davie

  2. ...adrenaline junkie!

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