I keep saying this doesn’t concern me. It’s not and will never be my thing.
But it’s enjoyable to listen to, watch and read of guys fighting a war of words.
It’s a game, a dirty game.
It’s called politics.

Politics is defined as activities aimed at improving someone’s status within an organization. (Concise Oxford Dictionary)

Now that’s a something you cannot teach maestros like Museveni, Raila and others (you name them).
These guys know it. It’s a game and they ‘play’ it.
They know their opponents, scheme for them, play them and win.
It’s simple as that to them, A game.
Some went to school for that. Just like Messi went to Barcelona Academy of football.
Some took their time, made wrong choices, not out of stupidity but as lessons for the future.
These are errors they don’t redo.
Their prowess has earned some of them titles like Enigma.

You don’t believe this, look at these examples.

Why would someone, a leader with support enough take his time in the midst of numerous declarations for candidacy to announce his stand;
Simple reason. He is playing the ‘wait and see’ to determine where he stands to gain more.
He will even go for a 2nd in charge if that gives him the chance to still cause stirring of the population and simply, play more politics.

Another example;

Why would a leader with all the resources in his hands give a speech like this.
“I understand your issues with the problem of… but I promise to take care of that and in 44 months we won’t have that again.” Of course that calls for a round of applause but analysts will tell you that 44 months are 16 months away from a term in office and even lesser months to start of campaigning for the next term.

In short, this calls for lots of prior planning, scheming and studying the mood of the people. This leader will do this just in time to either walk out or to get leverage for another term.
Someone who knows what to say at a particular time and according to the mood of the people is a manipulator to me (no pun intended).
That’s why to me, politics is a way of manipulating the others for personal gain. And am not at all interested to know if am politicking with this article or getting politicked by someone even as am writing this.


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