Migingo-Like Crap

Quoting Mr. President of a certain East African Country a few months ago, “… the land (A certain Island) is in Country A but the water is in Country B (His country).” WTF Mr. President? Are you kidding me? Okay that starts me on lies people tell without thinking, sometimes to get themselves out of some trouble or to look good to the media. Whatever the reason, they forget their listeners aren’t kids and statements get analyzed, and damn right, their truth meter pointer is stuck at the ‘LIE’ end.

Today we have had and heard people, supposedly experts and trusted politicians, reading and interpreting to us our constitutions and convincing us the way they understand them. But WTH? They openly lie to us on issues we know we are being lied to. We look stupid to just accept these peoples’ sayings without reading for ourselves.

I know people disagree to agree. But why would two parties contradict when they were reading from the same script? If you asked me, the answer is Simple. “Each wants to reap something from the way they interpret that script.” To them everything is like movie script lines that go even better when acted.

Well, here are my rants;

- Am tired of hearing lies in such a twisted way so I don’t understand them and think they are truths.

- Am fed up with being read for and made to believe stuff I should read for myself and interpret myself.

- Am done listening to utter bullcrap just because a politician or lawyer thinks that his speech jargon will throw me off balance and I will fall for whatever crap he is feeding me.

It’s not acceptable that an island is mine and the water yours Mr. President. That’s not real!

On to the next one.


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