Let’s just be

I could say

"I am sorry I cant bring myself to that.

I am trying but I cant.

You mean a lot to me for us to just do that.

Or... I need  a friend…

You know, someone I can tell my shit and yet still hang around long enough to hear the end of it.”


Yet I hate that!

It hurts.

I hate it.

Hate how I feel like am torturing you to get there.

But I still believe that if you are sharp enough and you know that ‘us’, in reality, can’t be!!

We just cant, but we can be other things. Things others can only envy.

We have been there, done that.

Please don’t let this new fact ruin things!

Just let us be what we can handle and tolerate to be, without messing the awesome stuff we already have.

Let’s just be BFF’s… coz we both like it that way, and the other things we feel… we can suppress, without ruining things.

Let's just be.


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